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Type 2 diabetes: This green juice is the ideal morning drink for diabetics


01/3​Type 2 diabetes: This green juice is the ideal morning drink for diabetics

Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle disease caused by making wrong dietary choices and living a sedentary lifestyle. With around 70 million people suffering from the condition in our country, India is rightly called the diabetes capital of the world.

But the good news is, just by making simple lifestyle changes one can control their blood sugar levels and even reverse the condition in some cases.

So, if you or someone in your family is suffering from diabetes, here is one simple morning ritual that can do wonders in controlling your blood sugar levels.

02/3​The green juice

People suffering from diabetes often avoid having juices as they are high in sugar. But this green juice can be hugely beneficial in controlling diabetes. The juice should be consumed early in the morning for best results. The juice is beneficial for people suffering from any type of diabetes including type 1, type 2 and gastrointestinal diabetes. The best thing about the green juice is it helps in increasing your energy levels. Here are various ingredients that can be mixed and blended together to make it, you can choose any 4-6 ingredients of your choice.

Ingredients: Green apple, cucumber, lemon, kale, green cabbage, celery, spinach, beetroot, garlic, tomato, ginger and bitter gourd.

Just mix the ingredients, add some water and blend it properly.


03/3​How green juice benefits diabetics?

- It is an excellent source of vitamin A, C, K and iron.

- It reduces your risk of hypertension, heart diseases and all types of diabetes.

- Strengthens your immune system and boosts your energy levels.

- Densely rich in antioxidants, which prevents you from various diseases.

- Helps in detoxifying the body and purifies your blood.

- Increases your energy levels and improves the metabolic rate, which in turn reduces the risk of diabetes.

- Improves the functioning of all body organs.


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