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Here’s how you should have sweet potatoes for weight loss


01/4Sweet potatoes are packed with nutrients

Looking for some healthy weight-loss-friendly snack option? What can be better than creamy, soft and delicious, sweet potatoes?

The root vegetable, generally available in the winter season is highly nutritious and versatile, which makes it a perfect snack option for people trying to shed kilos. It is indeed starchy and high in carb content but unlike regular potato, it is not unhealthy or branded as fattening. The delicious tuber vegetable is packed with plenty of minerals, fiber, vitamins, and phytonutrients, which helps both your body and mind.

02/4​Sweet potatoes nutrient content

Sweet potatoes are found in different shapes and colours depending on the region they are grown. But one thing that remains common is that they are extremely healthy. They are a good source of protein, potassium, magnesium, calcium, vitamin C and vitamin B6. Besides, it is one of the best sources of Vitamin A. It also contains antioxidants like beta carotene, chlorogenic acid and anthocyanins.

100 grams of raw sweet potatoes contains

Calories: 112

Fat: 0

Carbohydrates: 26 grams

Dietary Fiber: 4 grams

Protein: 2grams

Potassium: 438 mg

Magnesium: 32 mg

Calcium: 39 mg

Vitamin C: 3 mg

Vitamin A: 18,443 IU


03/4​How it helps in weight loss

First of all sweet potatoes are loaded with dietary fiber that can reduce the level of hunger hormones and increase the production of hormones such as cholecystokinin. This, in turn, promotes satiety, slows down digestion and improves blood sugar level.

Secondly, the fiber and the glucose content of this root vegetable provides sustainable energy and can be an excellent food option pre and post-workout. It provides instant energy and the nutrient content helps to balance the electrolyte level in the body.

Thirdly, it is packed with resistant starch that makes you feel fuller for a longer time, preventing you from overeating and unhealthy munching.  

04/4​How to have sweet potatoes for weight loss

One of the major differences between regular potatoes and sweet potatoes is that the latter contains more antioxidants, fiber and just little calories. But whether sweet potatoes are weight loss friendly or not depends on the way you prepare it. If you fry them, it will increase the calorie count of the food, which can sabotage your weight loss plan.

For weight loss, it is always recommended to have boiled or baked sweet potatoes. These are the two healthy ways to have the root vegetable. They keep your calorie intake in control and provide you with all the essential nutrients. You can add cumin powder, chill flakes, oregano, lime juice and salt to your baked potatoes to add flavours.

As sweet potatoes are higher in carbs than most other vegetables, you must not overdo it. Evaluate your eating plan and carb intake and accordingly decide your portion size. They are good quality carbs, but overeating can be harmful to your weight loss goal.


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