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Showing posts from December, 2020

Sleep Smarter_ 21 Proven Tips to Sleep Your Way To a Better Body, Better Health and Bigger Success

  avoid screens before bedtime This is likely the number one thing you can do to improve your sleep quality immediately. The artificial blue light emitted by electronic screens triggers your body to produce more daytime hormones (like cortisol) and disorient your body’s natural preparation for sleep.  Computers, iPads, televisions, smartphones, etc., are kicking out a sleep-sucking blue spectrum of light that can give you major sleep problems.  Have you ever driven down your neighborhood street at night and seen that majestic blue light beaming out of people’s windows? You’re probably like a) I wonder what they’re watching? or b) I wonder if they’re getting abducted by aliens?  Mariana Figueiro, of the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic, and her team showed that two hours of iPad use at maximum brightness was enough to suppress people’s normal nighttime release of melatonin. When your melatonin secretion is thrown off, it will intrinsically throw off ...

Is It Safe For Diabetics To Have Bananas? Here's What Expert Have To Say

  Diabetes Diet: Easy to peel and easy to eat, are bananas good for diabetics too, let's find out. Diabetes Diet: Bananas are super versatile and nutritious. Highlights Diabetes causes fluctuations in blood sugar levels Diabetes can be controlled with wise dietary choices Diabetes is a common health condition around the world Aren't bananas absolutely one of the best fruits out there. Easy to peel, eat to eat, bananas are ideal for people who are always on the go. It is a good thing that bananas are also so nutritious. They are rich in potassium that helps keep blood pressure (BP) in check. They are also good for the nervous system and are a good source of Vitamin B6 and C that do wonders for your white blood cells and immunity, respectively. Bananas are also known to release tryptophan, which gets converted in serotonin that relaxes you. Bananas are fairly versatile too, you can add them to salads, smoothies shakes. You can use raw bananas to make a gamut of curries and snacks...

Is Eating Pickles Daily Good for Your Health?

  And even though many people eat pickles every day, should you be following this practice? Here’s what you need to know. Ask any Indian from any part of the country (or the world for that matter) if their meals are complete without at least a smidgen of a pickle (or achaar or pachadi) and the instant answer is likely to be a big no. Pickling is an ancient method of food preservation that has been passed down the generations and is an integral part of the Indian food culture. . In fact, most food cultures across the world have some history of pickling surplus crops and produce so that they can consume those foods even when they are not in season or easily available. Keeping the pickle culture going also means reducing food waste, which is something that the world needs right now. In India, you’re likely to find a wide variety of pickles from every region, from the mango and lime pickles of North and West India to the meat and fish pickles of the Northeastern and Southern Indian sta...